AVAILABLE PAINTINGS: The paintings below are all original oil paintings on canvas (unless otherwise noted) that are available for purchase. Click on the thumbnail image to see the full image and hover your cursor to view title, dimensions, and price. Each painting comes with a frame of my construction. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, message me via the contact page on this website, or at cushingcharles59@gmail.com. You can also call me directly at 267-679-7853.

NOTE: The paintings cannot be ordered directly through the site because of the complexity of different dimensions, shipping fees (if applicable), tax, framing options, etc., etc. It is necessary to contact me to buy an original oil painting. It is also possible to view the paintings in my center city Philadelphia studio (near 12th and Green Streets) by appointment.

MOST RECENTlY ADDED: The paintings in the first block below are the most recently added (from the past several years).

LARGER WORKS: This gallery illustrates ‘larger works’ (paintings from roughly 3 x 5 feet to 5 x 10 feet in size). Click on the thumbnail to see the full image with title and dimensions.

MEDIUM-SIZED WORK: The gallery below illustrates ‘medium-sized’ paintings (roughly 24 x 30” to 30 x 40”). Click on the thumbnail to see full image with title and dimensions.

SMALLER WORKS: The gallery below illustrates ‘smaller’ work (roughly 20 x 30” or smaller). Click on the thumbnail to see the full image with title and dimensions.

DRAWINGS: The gallery below displays drawings in ink, ink/sepia or other media. Sometimes I have my drawings matted and framed to protect them, so the price for an individual drawing may or may not include the price of framing. The drawings below are available for purchase, please message me to inquire prices.